Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Press Release For Crackers

For Immediate Release
July 2, 2007

Nuts for Jericho, Crackers for The Black Donnellys

Save The Black Donnellys Campaign has purchased on Sunday, July 1st, 60 pounds of crackers as a first shipment to Carolyn Strauss, President of HBO Entertainment. Jericho's campaign to send nuts to CBS was successful and resulted in seven new episodes being purchased. The "Firecrackers" from the Save The Black Donnellys Campaign believe that the recently cancelled NBC drama has that same opportunity to thrive with HBO and be renewed for a second season.

The campaign was created by fans of The Black Donnellys, who dubbed themselves the "Firecrackers" after the name of the fictional bar owned by the Donnelly family. The fans purchased crackers that were representative of Jimmy Donnellys', one of the main characters from the series, new bar sign of the Firecracker Lounge. The "flame" cracker symbolized the "new beginning" or fresh slate for him and the Donnelly brothers. NBC's mistreatment of the drama gives HBO the opportunity to give The Black Donnellys a much needed fresh slate.

The Firecrackers decided to contact Carolyn Strauss from HBO rather than NBC, because they believed the show would be more successful and be a great fit for HBO's programming. Carolyn Strauss has brought great programming like The Sopranos and OZ to HBO. Several letters, phone calls, emails have been set to NBC network executives like President Jeff Zucker with no response. Rather NBC has prevented any fan uprising from occurring. NBC board moderators have suspended fans and deleted threads from The Black Donnellys online message board when there is any discussion or efforts to save the series. Their censorship sparked the Firecrackers to react.

Within a three week time span, The Firecrackers have been able to gather $733 in donations towards crackers which can purchase 244lbs to be shipped to HBO. As they are still receiving donations, they will continue to send shipments.

Along with the crackers they have also sent quarters and shamrocks to HBO to show support for The Black Donnellys. A Daily Action Item is completed each day to help bring back a deserved second season. The Save The Black Donnellys campaign includes streaming online episodes from NBC.com, downloading episodes from iTunes.com, subscribing to HDNet and pre-ordering the recently released The Black Donnellys: Complete Series DVD.

Save The Black Donnellys Campaign
The Firecrackers meet at The Firecracker Lounge

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