Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Firecrackers Mission Statement

Our mission is to get The Black Donnellys picked-up for a second season on another network so that other viewers have the opportunity to watch this great drama and to find those supporters and give them a voice to help participate in the fight to Save The Black Donnellys! . They too, can see the intensity and excitement of the series and learn more about The Donnelly brothers: Tommy, Jimmy, Kevin and Sean.

The Petition to Save The Black Donnellys ( has reached almost 37,000 signatures and over 1,000 guests and users that visited the NBC Boards when the episodes were abruptly pulled from primetime and aired only online at on Monday nights.

Jericho fans were successful in their campaign to bring the CBS cancelled show back to the air. They had sent over $32,000 worth of peanuts to CBS, referencing the last episode to air. With such a huge fan following, CBS responded by adding an additional seven new episodes. What Jericho fans did could only be described as "awesome"! Their motivation and organization is an inspiration to us all.

We must not accept what network moguls and executives throw out to the public. Rather, we have a voice in shaping what we believe should be quality television and we need your voice. The Black Donnellys represents quality television and every vote/donation counts! So, please join us in our effort to save our beloved show.

**Pre-order you DVD today at at $34.99 and please leave a comment! Your vote counts!

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